Цифровая трансформация государственного управления. Датацентричность и семантическая интреоперабельность

Данное издание является препринтом новой монографии авторов, которая готовится к печати и выйдет в свет в 2018 году. Книга будет состоять из 5 частей, разделенных на главы и разделы, а также из введения, заключения и девяти приложений. Ориентировочный объем монографии – 50 авторских листов, включая 125 рисунков и 36 таблиц. 

Source: Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

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Digital economy: Conceptual architecture of a digital economic sector ecosystem

The paper represents the main approaches to digital transformation based on the example of the most innovatively active sectors such as banking and healthcare. We compare the proprietary development of digital services (products) to the building of a digital sector ecosystem, aimed at attracting an unlimited number of participants. We defined the purpose of creating an ecosystem that is to provide the population with digital services formed on demand, in real time, in compliance with legislation and regulations, as well as in the context of maximum trust. 

Source: Scientific journal «Business Informatics»

The study of the possibility and the methods to design semantic business processes for Digital Health

The digital transformation in Healthcare requires the modernization of busi-ness processes in medical organizations, taking into account the application of developing information technologies, as well as the growth information sharing involving a variety of information resources. We can achieve a new level of integration by creating an effective methodology for designing digital health services. The article reveals the role of business process modeling and represents the approach to the design of semantic business processes aimed to meet this challenge

Source: Scientific Bulletin "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics"

Application of Semantic Integration Methods for Cross-Agency Information Sharing in Healthcare

Cross-agency Information sharing is a basic feature of digital economy in public sector. Heterogeneous environment is inherent for the public sector as well as for other industries, which are ready to digital transformations. The application of integration methods should guarantee the achievement of unambiguous meaningful interpretation of data. The article represents comparative analysis of basic integration approaches: (1) classic interaction via mediators, (2) integrated data model (XML-based models implementation) and (3) semantic integration. We defined the advantages of semantic integration and confirmed the possibility to use semantic core as a basis for a digital health ecosystem. We implemented the example of semantic integration in healthcare within the project of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics named the “Center of semantic integration”.

Source: CEUR Workshop Proceedings

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Management and (re)use of semantic assets for information sharing

The article represents current research results gained at The Center of Semantic Integration (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics). It shows the approach to the management of semantic assets and their (re) use for information sharing, data modelling based on Model Driven Architecture, semantic web services generation and transformation of open data to Linked open data.

Source: Scientific Electronic Library

How to adopt the NIEM in Russian conditions

In the absence of a unified data model (EMD) is impossible to implement the joint work of information systems (IS) of different departments for the joint provision of a particular e-services. The paper presents the problem of incompatibility of data models and similar entities used in the various departmental information systems. The possibilities of the use of many years of successful international experience (NIEM) to harmonize inter-agency cooperation in the provision of public and municipal services. The article presents a proposal to adapt the basic principles of NIEM, implemented by Russian developers in 2010-2012. Although the presentation is carried out in the context of the transfer to electronic form of regional services, but an adapted approach is also applicable to the digitalization of federal services.

Source:  СNews

What is the System of Interagency Communication NIEM?

NIEM is the standard method for determining the content of messages exchanged between the subjects of inter-agency co-operation, however it does not define methods of data transfer and storage. These NIEM properties made it extremely popular for the construction of cross-agency interaction systems, because it allows the developers to overcome the incompatibility of terminal technologies and systems, and to use a common vocabulary in a particular domain.

Source: СNews

Organization of the Information sharing between the Governmental Agencies and Authorities in the United States

United States “National Strategy for information sharing and safeguarding” was issued in 2012. It relies on the ability to “share the right information, with the right people, at the right time. As the world becomes an increasingly networked place, addressing the challenges to national security — foreign and domestic —requires sustained collaboration and responsible information sharing”. National information exchange model was applied as a tool supporting the fulfillment of this strategy in USA and both outside its national territory – in Canada, Mexica and EU. The article describes the stages of information exchange development in US, and determines its strategy and philosophy together with its role in development of e-Government and cross-agency interaction.

Source: СNews

Re-Inventing Interoperability of E-Government Data Sharing

Now the foundation of IT import-substituting industry is one of the priorities for Russia. The report assesses the prospects of IT import substitution development catch-up style on the basis of usage in national strategic information systems for the intersystems information exchange of international data models standards. In conclusion, authors propose the establishment of a state program of work on localization of international standards of data models in Russia.

Source: PC Week

Sustainability of the System for Electronic Public Service Delivery

Sustainability of the System for Electronic Public Service Delivery at the state and municipal levels in Russia is one of an acute problem that has not been solved so far. Although it is extremely important and affects the relationship between the state and the public, because it is the provision of public services, which causes the direct interaction of the population and the authorities. It also gives the possibility, to assess the quality of such interaction in real life and in real time. The quality of services and the possibility of their continuous provision are the main challenges strictly which require relevant sustainability of the e-Government reflecting the changes in legislation and administrative procedures.

Source:  Journal "Information resources of Russia" №4, 2014

E-government as a system of system

We live in a socio-technical system of systems. A City, a town, or a village is a system, which is headed by an elected or appointed governor, the head of the administration or the mayor (executive body). It has its own local elected parliament, representing the population (the legislature). They have their own budget and public support systems, independent from other cities, connected by infrastructure of roads, rivers, air and waterways. This Infrastructure in general provides the existence of such system of systems, limited by administrative boundaries of the district, the region or the state border.

There is no doubt that in a short time, the term "system of systems" will go down in the lexicon of Russian officials, and anyone who has a particular relevance to the creation of complex socio-technical state electronic systems. Applying the "system of systems" approach will actually optimize system development of public and municipal services in electronic form, as well as the mechanisms of this system, which seems to be the most important task for Russian government for today.

Source: CNews

Semantic Information Management: The Approach to Semantic Assets Development Lifecycle

The application of semantic integration methods faces challenges arising at collaboration between ITspecialists and domain experts during the model building stage. These challenges can affect the correctness of domain formalization as well as the whole outcome of the integration in distributed information systems. To overcome the lack of semantic interoperability we suggest the creation of a collaborative platform which provides the (re)use of semantic assets (SA) for further semantic integration. The analysis of the limitations existing in SA management standards leads the authors to propose the collaborative approach, based on an extended lifecycle of semantic assets. The authors consider the implementation of the platform based on the Asset Description Metadata schema extension to be a rational option

Source: GRID 2018 International Conference "Distributed Computing and Grid-technologies in Science and Education" 2018

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Digital health in a digital society. Ecosystem and cluster

The monograph discusses the basic concepts of the emerging digital market, the possibilities and prospects of creating digital health services. The issues of designing systems of digital state, digital government, digital market, especially the organization and movement of digital documents, protection of the interests of participants in these processes.

For researchers, specialists in the field of digital health services, students and graduate students of relevant specialties.

Source: Science Digital Library

E-Government Development Dynamics in the Context of the World Trends

The development of Russian e-government in the context of global trends is the main objective of this article. In the opinion of the authors, Russia’s observable backlog is due to a slowdown in the growth of e-government against a significant progress shown by the leading countries. One of the reasons for such deceleration is the concentration of Russian e-government developers’ efforts on building and rebuilding its infrastructure, instead of striving for the information sharing and the interoperability as a prerequisite for cross-agency interaction and seamless provision of public services. The lack of organizational and semantic interoperability is especially noticeable. The goals and objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development have formed new global benchmarks for e-government development. They have to be analyzed and used as the priorities for the further evolution of e-government in Russia.

Source: Journal "Information Society" #3 2017

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Methods of Semantic Integration in Distributed Information Systems: Challenges of Application

This report marks the main challenges in the application of semantic integration methods, especially the interaction between IT-specialists and domain experts. Semantic integration collaboration platform is represented as а solution, which provides domain formalization based on the (re) use of semantic assets for modeling of interoperable distributed information systems, transformation of open data to linked open data and for improving the quality of scientific and technical information search.

Source: Selected Papers of the 7th International Conference Distributed Computing and Grid-technologies in Science and Education

Evolution of E-Government Models

The most important part of the state government evolution is the development of interaction means between citizens and business with public administration. At the present stage this interaction is supported by dissemination of communication technologies. Open data become the testament to the practical implementation of the principles of transparency, clarity, civil society involvement, public integrity and the accountability of authorities. Despite the generally positive trends, in Russia the lack of cross-agency unity remains critical as well as the constant process of infrastructure reengineering. Despite substantial changes in international ratings, the federal government continues to evaluate the development of informational society according to the level of regional informatization. The forming of the road map aimed at transfer to a new step of e-government development and the assessment of the current maturity level of e-government level in Russia should be based on such the global trends as the digitalization of public administration, transition to smart government and the formation of smart society.

Source: Science Digital Library

Towards the digital government in Russia: Integrative approach

This paper assesses of the current state of e-government in Russia and represents prospected trends such as digitalization and the transition to "smart" government. The authors suggest an approach to digital transformation of Russian e-government. The importance of interoperability (the ability to interact) as the key enabler for information sharing and cross boarder interaction in EAEU is emphasized and the objectives for each interoperability level are formulated. This list of actions is suggested to be included into the Roadmap of Russian e-government development in order to achieve interoperability. The authors consider this integrative approach to be a big step towards the digital government in the Russian Federation.

Source: EGOSE '16: Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia

Management and (re)use of semantic assets for information sharing

The article represents current research results gained at The Center of Semantic Integration (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics). It shows the approach to the management of semantic assets and their (re) use for information sharing, data modelling based on Model Driven Architecture, semantic web services generation and transformation of open data to Linked open data.

Source: Science Digital Library

E-Government Development Dynamics In The Context Of The World Trends

The development of Russian e-government in the context of global trends is the main objective of this article. In the opinion of the authors, Russia’s observable backlog is due to a slowdown in the growth of e-government against a significant progress shown by the leading countries. One of the reasons for such deceleration is the concentration of Russian e-government developers’ efforts on building and rebuilding its infrastructure, instead of striving for the information sharing and the interoperability as a prerequisite for cross-agency interaction and seamless provision of public services. The lack of organizational and semantic interoperability is especially noticeable. The goals and objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development have formed new global benchmarks for e-government development. They have to be analyzed and used as the priorities for the further evolution of e-government in Russia.

Source: Science Digital Library

Применение методов семантической интеграции на примере организации информационного взаимодействия веб-сервисов

This article presents semantic approaches to the integration in a heterogeneous IT environment, such as in the organization of cross-agency interaction within the framework of e-government and information sharing in the public administration systems. Authors have reviewed International experience in implementing XML-based models (USA, NIEM) and using semantic integration methods (EC, SEMIC). The project of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics named the “Center of semantic integration” became the platform for the experiments.  The example developed allows comparing the classic version of interaction using web clients, the organization of a unified data model that requires adjustment of adapters to the implementation of a domain model data common to all the participants of information sharing which contains the SPARQL adapter.

Source:  Journal "Information resources of Russia" №2 (156) - 2017

Digital Health In Digital Societies

The monograph discusses the basic concepts of the emerging digital market, the possibilities and prospects of creating digital health services. The issues of designing systems of the digital state, digital government, digital market, features of the organization and movement of digital documents, protection of interests of participants of these processes are considered.

For researchers, specialists in the field of digital health services, students and postgraduates of relevant specialties

Source: Science Digital Library

Интероперабельность систем электронного правительства: состояние и перспективы

Несмотря на существенные достижения и большой опыт, накопленный к настоящему времени, проблему интероперабельности ЭП нельзя считать решенной, а уровень интероперабельности ЭП, как и способы ее достижения, в различных странах отличается весьма заметно. В настоящей статье описаны основные аспекты работ по интероперабельности э-правительств США, ЕС и РФ, а также сформулированы предложения по развитию интероперабельности российского ЭП.

Source: Сборник конференции ИТ-Стандарт 2020

Linked Open Statistical Data: Relevance and Prospects

After a detailed argumentation of the study’s relevance, this article discusses the prospects for introducing the concept of linked open statistics produced within the framework of a single information environment that ensures efficient production, dissemination, and reuse of statistical and administrative data. The implementation of this qualitatively new concept based on technological innovations and aimed to meet rapidly growing user demands is a key task of digital transformation, defined by the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of official statistics. The major part of open data concerns statistics such as demographic, economic and social indicators. Describing and presenting them in the form of linked open statistics sets an important background for accelerating socio-economic development by introducing new socially significant state, municipal, non-commercial and commercial services/products.

Linked Open Statistical Data (LOSD) allows performing analysis based on a coordinated, integrated information environment as an alternative to using disparate and often controversial data sets. National statistical institutes and government bodies in many countries, together with international organizations, have already chosen the paradigm of linked open statistics. The authors discuss the advantages of this approach, as well as its practical application in international projects.

The article presents the examples and best practices of linked open statistics in a number of publications and strategic documents within the European Statistical System. It also shows the constraints of the linked open statistics development due to the lack of accessible ontologies and standards - the extensions necessary to meet the requirements for classification and management of various concepts in statistics domain. The analysis of projects and initiatives carried out in the article reflects the possibilities and prospects of solving this problem in the field of state statistics. The authors formulate a set of recommendations based both on the analysis of international practice and on the results of their own development experience within the research project «Center of Semantic Integration».

Source: Journal "Voprosy Statistiki" Vol. 27, № 2 (2020)

Digitalization Of Government: Data-Centric And Model-Oriented Approach

Government as a platform is the basis for the development of digital government in leading countries. This approach stimulates public-private partnerships as well as the creation of innovative applications and services. The core of such platform is data ready for sharing. The interaction between the state and society has gained the culture based on open data and is moving towards the publication of linked open data. Due to the application and dissemination of data models, an adequate semantic interpretation becomes possible and it serves for the achievement of semantic interoperability in information exchange. This article briefly presents the results of the study revealing the readiness of Russian e-govemment for the digital transformation of public administration and gives authors ’ recommendations for the implementation of a data-centric approach enabling the use of disruptive digital technologies and digitalization the government in Russia.

Source: Science Digital Library

Цифровая трансформация банковской отрасли

Банковская индустрия – один из показательных примеров стремительного цифрового развития. Консалтинговая компания Deloitte провела исследование применения новых технологий в российских банках, на основе которого эксперты выбрали 11 инноваций иразделили на несколько групп: безопасность (умная идентификация), аналитика (Big Data, личные финансовые помощники), цифровые технологии (онлайн-кошелек, бесконтактная оплата и т.д.), автоматизация (роботы в отделениях), геймификация (игры и квесты для клиентов) и P2P-кредитование/

Source: Journal "Information Security"

Цифровая трансформация государственного управления: Датацентричность и семантическая интероперабельность

Semantic Business Process Modeling as the Key to Interoperable Public Services in Seamless e-Government

Essential for digitalization all-as-a-service model causes the shift of state priorities from a simple provision of public information to the delivery of high-quality and efficient public services. This aspect brings a particular importance to the reengineering of public administration procedures aiming to provide public services at a new level. In this paper we propose the approach to the design and modernization of public services, as well as related business processes, which combines existing modeling methods with the enterprise architecture frameworks to ensure semantic interoperability not only at the data models level but using executable models of public service. We represent the method of public services development as semantic business processes in the context of enterprise architecture together with the results of its pilot implementation and evaluation.

Источник: 6th International Conference, EGOSE 2019, Proceedings

Data-centricity as the key enabler of digital government: is Russia ready for digital transformation of public sector

The trend of data-driven Government sets the priority of a data-centric paradigm for the development of digital government. It also maintains the use of linked open data as the basis for information sharing. Even though today when many countries have made a significant breakthrough, this task has turned out to be rather challenging for most of them and for Russia as well. Following the key criteria highlighted and proved for our assessment in 2018 we re-consider the results revealing Russian e-government readiness for the digital transformation basically in linked open data production. New challenges posed by the implementation of recently accepted data strategies in Russia set the objective of this research to check how the situation changed over the past two years. Due to the role of statistics in Open Government Data we give the review existing international practice in Linked Open Statistical data and shortly present ongoing research initiatives of The Russian Federal State Statistics Service. Expanding our previous recommendations, we advise to consider the competence gained in existing research and development and use it for implementing the state strategies with the focus on LO(S)D.

Source: Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia